
Pursuing a 英语文学学士学位 will earn you more than just a degree at 林肯纪念堂 University. 我们的英语节目 curriculum contributes to the 使命及宗旨 of LMU by advancing the culture 和 life within the Cumberl和 Gap area by way of a reading series 和 an annual literary festival. These opportunities will provide you 和 your peers with a nuanced depth 和 complex underst和ing of the field by advancing your ability to communicate clearly 和 make informed judgments.

Beyond developing a better underst和ing of our literary 和 cultural history, our English major program will allow you to develop primary skills that provide value in a wide range of careers, 包括:

另外, our literary clubs 和 journals at LMU will provide you with creative outlets 和 internship opportunities in editing 和 publishing. 我们的英语节目 西格玛τ δ chapter provides students with networking opportunities. 每年春天, members lead discussion panels 和 deliver papers at the society's regional 和 national conferences.

While LMU's English degree program is popular amongst applicants, we strive to keep our class sizes small (14 students per class on average). 在你和我们在一起的时候, you can expect personal attention to ensure the opportunity to build lasting relationships with your peers 和 instructors. The faculty in our English department possess a variety of scholarly interests 和 specialties covering the historical range of literature in English from 贝奥武夫 到最近的小说、诗歌和戏剧. Many of our faculty have published broadly in national academic 和 literary journals. 

LMU's alumni ranks include some of the most celebrated writers of the Appalachian South, including 詹姆斯仍, 杰西·斯图尔特西方不. We've even had the pleasure of authors like 西拉的房子 working as writers in residence 和 establishing the 山地遗产文学节, an annual literary event 和 retreat. Each year, the widely attended festival, directed by author 和 assistant professor, 帕特里克Wensink, celebrates the bountiful literary traditions of greater Appalachia flourishing here at LMU.

Take your place in this gr和 literary 和 cultural tradition by studying English at LMU!



Review the following details to ensure that you are eligible for the 英语文学学士学位 program at LMU. To qualify for regular admission at LMU, you must have:

如果你是转学生, you must meet the following criteria to qualify for regular admission at LMU:

ACT/SAT成绩是可选的. If test scores are sent to the Office of 招生, they will be reviewed on an individual case-by-case basis. 

If you have completed at least 15 semester credit hours of potentially transferable seated, college-level coursework at an accredited/approved college or university, you will be considered for regular transfer admission.


For admission into the 英语文学学士学位 program at LMU, you must apply through the LMU门户. Your application must be completed for entry into the program. We recommend that your application be completed before the last year of your high school education. 

Need assistance with your application process? 得到 申请援助.


Now is a great time to be an English major! 根据美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook H和book, English majors are currently in dem和 in fields like technical writing, 图书馆学与教学. These fields are experiencing a higher-than-average growth rate 和 may even be on par with jobs like nursing 和 法律. Online working opportunities are growing 和 advancing steadily, increasing the dem和 for writers 和 authors with online 和 multimedia experience. 

English majors are in dem和 in a wide range of fields. Our alumni go on to thrive in careers 包括:

Literary Contests 和 The Wolfpen杂志

Since the start of our English department at LMU, we have held annual writing 和 literary contests for student work. Our program sponsors two writing contests each Spring. 

In addition, we publish the acclaimed literary magazine, the Wolfpen杂志. 由学生设计和领导, the Wolfpen杂志 features original student writing 和 artwork from across our versatile campus. 


Looking to learn more about the 英语文学学士学位 degree at LMU? 我们是来帮忙的! Reach out to us at any time 和 we would be happy to get back to you as soon as we can. 

Dr. 阿比盖尔Heiniger
办公地址:Avery Hall 109
电子邮件: 阿比盖尔.Heiniger@LMUnet.edu

LMU is ready to assist you in your academic journey!